الجمعة، 10 مايو 2013

WordPress Plugins - What Are They? By Abhishek Kumar Khandelwal

WordPress is by far one of the best CMS systems that you can find today. Earlier it was a simple blogging platform. But, now it's exceeded this, and many huge companies and websites use WordPress for their work.
Since many people use it, there's a growing community as well. With the crowds come the developers - they've created custom plugins for WordPress - some are free and some you would have to pay for.
What are they?
When any platform is first built, the original developers have something in mind and they've created the platform to suit what they think most people would need. However, not everyone thinks the same way and therefore, people would want newer stuff - rather than the using the same basic features of the package. That's where plugins are needed.
Therefore, you could say 'Plugins are a package or code that increases the functionality of an existing platform'. WordPress is open to plugins and you're free to add as many as you like. They've made it really easy to add your own plugins.
Adding them to your WordPress Site
You could install your WordPress plugin using the administration area on WordPress or automatically using the directory which is hosted by WordPress. If these options don't suit you, you could also try doing it manually via FTP or as an upload.
There are very few cases wherein you would have to install new plugins manually, however with the development of CMS and developers creating new plugins this option is needed more and more.
Kinds of Plugins
There are basically two kinds of plugins free plugins and Premium Plugins. The Free Plugins are created by everyday users like you and me as well as professionals who are offering a free version of their plugins that have limited features.
If you want to download free WordPress plugins all you need to do is search for them on Google or on the WordPress plugin directory.
Premium Plugins on the other hand have to be bought from the developer's website itself. If possible hire a developer to create a custom plugin for you. This way you're ensuring that yours is unique and at the same time you get everything that you need.
Using Plugins, you can transform your WordPress site from a simple blog into a business website, with member logins and various other cool features. There's no limit to what you can do once you've got the right plugins for your site.
If you're looking for amazing client file download plugins to enhance the looks and functionality of your website, you would love the plugins available Check out the WordPress download plugins

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7173553

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