الجمعة، 10 مايو 2013

Joomla - Your First Article By Roger J Webb

Now, at last, we're ready to post our first article, but first one last issue to resolve.
Posting to the Home Page
The home page of most social networking sites consists in part of a number of 'teasers' enticing the visitor to click through to the article proper. Joomla uses the first sentence or so of the article for this purpose so you need to ensure that those first one or two critical sentences are a draw to the article itself.
This is a limitation on your style but perhaps also a useful discipline.
Creating Your Article.
In Joomla it is very simple. You:
1. Log in to the 'back end' of your site (mysite/administrator);
2. Click on the 'Add New Article' short cut;
3. Type in your article 'Title';
4. Ignore the 'alias'
5. Set the 'category', (part of the set up procedures);
6. Leave Status at 'published,' access at 'public ' and ignore 'Permissions';
7. Set 'featured to 'yes' and 'language' to all
8. Then type in your test and when you've finished click 'Save and Closed' at the top-right of the screen.
It really is as easy as that!
Improving the Presentation
Before you leave this screen look at the top of the 'Article Text' box and note the familiar text setting facilities, 'bold', 'Italic' etc and perhaps the most useful, 'Format'. Hovering over this box reveals a drop-down menu with
1. Paragraph
2. Address
3. Pre-formatted
4. Heading 1
5. Heading 2 etc
Use these to break up block of text and add interest to the page.
Adding Pictures
At the bottom of the 'Article Text' box you will see 'Image' button - very useful. To use it
1. Place the cursor on the place in the text where you want the image;
2. Click on the 'Image' button;
3. A new box appears, click on the 'site' directory link and then 'browse';
4. You will find yourself in the directory system of your local computer, locate the picture you want and then on 'open'
5. You will be returned to the 'site'. Click on 'Start Upload' and then when the picture appears on 'Insert'.
Some Helpful Hints
Click on your picture, now inserted into the text, and then on the 'Insert Edit Picture' icon (second row, tenth icon at the top of the 'Article Text' box and:
1. Ignore 'Image URL', you already have it;
2. Add a description if you need one;
3. Add a border (1,2,or 3) if you want one;
4. Set the alignment as 'right' or 'left' to keep the images at one side of your text;
5. Set the dimensions of your picture, choose a standard width - we use 180px - to keep your site looking neat and tidy;
6. Put the number '12' in the 'Vertical Space' and the 'Horizontal Space' to leaver a white space between your picture and your text.
And you're done.
Now click on 'Save and Close' to save your work.
Roger Webb is a retired CEO from Small and Medium Sized (SME) companies in the UK and Continental Europe. In thirty years' experience at life at the top he has been instrumental in turning around and setting up a number of specialist subsidiaries in Europe, Africa and beyond, in every case producing stable profits in some of the most testing corporate environments imaginable.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7157654

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